Saturday, September 19, 2009

Second Post: Film Submissions

I have one more thing to add to Mike's post.  Whether you are interested in joining or not (hopefully yes!), we are more than happy to accept suggestions for films.  We are already compiling a list, but you never know what we may have left out!

That's all for now, cheers

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


This blog was created out of a love for the documentary film style. And as such, it will be a discussion board for just that - documentary films!

Think book club but substitute the word "book" for "documentary film"....there really is no clearer way to describe what will transpire on this blog so hopefully we're all on the same page now.

The documentary film will be selected in advance, a film that can be accessed for all members interested in joining this documentary club, and then it will be discussed on here at a set date and time.

The discussion will be recorded and kept on the blog so that people can go back and read it over afterwards.

Thanks for stopping by, if you're interested in finding out more about this club or even joining feel free to send an email to